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Helping families balance work and family responsibilities

1 August 2017

Fortescue Metals Group has officially opened the Fortescue Family Room, a new child care facility in its Perth office.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) has officially opened the Fortescue Family Room, a new child care facility in its Perth office.

A free service for Fortescue employees, the opening of the Fortescue Family Room is the realisation of a key element of
Fortescue’s Diversity Plan which seeks to help employees balancing work and family responsibilities.

Fortescue Chief Executive Officer Nev Power said, “We know, and the research confirms this, that stay at home mothers and part time working women offer huge untapped potential for individual businesses and the economy more broadly.”

“Creating a welcoming and encouraging environment for women directly enhances Fortescue’s success by improving its diversity. We want to make real change by providing practical solutions to support women and parents in the workplace,” Mr Power said.

General Manager Fortescue People Linda O'Farrell said the on-site service which includes professional supervision from a third-party provider, will provide short term care for children of Fortescue employees.

“We are exploring the various services the crèche can offer, including offering the 24-hour Integrated Operations Centre employees night time supervision of their children,” Ms O’Farrell said.

The official launch of the Fortescue Family Room coincided with the Company’s third Business Update for women returning to work. The events are hosted by the CEO and have seen 150 women attend the networking opportunity.

“The Business Updates are a great opportunity to talk about how Fortescue is supporting a diverse workforce, while also hearing directly from the community on how we can assist women returning to work,” Mr Power said.

Fortescue also partners with One Tree in Port Hedland to provide family day care units for its Port Hedland based team members. Fortescue’s female participation rate increased to 17.3 per cent of the workforce at the end of June 2017.

A recent OECD Report Connecting People with Jobs: Key Issues for Raising Labour Market Participation in Australia suggested “facilitating a better work life balance” was key to closing the gender employment gap. You can access the report here