Corporate governance
Good corporate governance is critical to the long-term, sustainable success of Fortescue and is the collective responsibility of the Board of Directors and across all levels of management.
Governance framework
Fortescue seeks to adopt leading practice and contemporary governance standards and apply these in a manner consistent with our culture and Values.
We support the intent of the 4th Edition of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations and unless otherwise disclosed, have reported against the requirements of these Principles and Recommendations.

The cornerstones of our corporate governance are:
Everyone at Fortescue is empowered to make decisions that support our objectives and are in the best interests of stakeholders. Management and employees are encouraged to be innovative and strategic in making decisions that align with our risk appetite and are undertaken in a manner consistent with corporate expectations and standards.
Documents and Charters
Key corporate governance documents can be accessed from the following links:
The Board is responsible to the shareholders for the performance of the Company and operates within:
Effective 1 July 2024, the Board Committees operate under specific Charters including:
- Audit, Finance and Risk Management Committee Charter
- People, Remuneration and Nomination Committee Charter
- Safety and Sustainability Committee Charter
Prior to 1 July 2024, the Board Committees operated under the below specific Charters:
- Audit, Risk Management and Sustainability Committee Charter
- Remuneration and People Committee Charter
- Nomination Committee Charter
- Finance Committee
Fortescue actively promotes ethical and responsible decision making through:
- Employee Code of Conduct and Integrity Policy
- Directors Code of Conduct Policy
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Fortescue operates under the following Policies and Documents:
- Declaration of Interests Policy
- Declaration of Interest Standard
- Health and Safety Policy
- Continuous Disclosure and Market Communications Policy
- Securities Trading Policy
- Risk Management Framework and Policy
- Diversity Policy
- Salary Sacrifice Share Plan
- Performance Rights Plan
- Directors’ and Executives’ Shareholding Policy
- Directors Conflict of Interest Policy