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We take a precautionary approach to environmental management and continue to invest in initiatives and technologies that minimise our environmental impacts and contribute to sustainable environmental benefits.

Managing environmental impacts

We are steadfast on managing our direct and indirect impacts on the environment. We implement, maintain and continually improve a company-wide Environmental Management System that is aligned with ISO14001. Our Environmental Management System is implemented across our operational sites, development projects, exploration activities and corporate offices over the entire project life span. 

Protecting Biodiversity

Biodiversity encapsulates the variety of all living things on earth, including animals, plants, micro-organisms, bacteria and fungi and the ecosystem they are part of. Declines in biodiversity represent a threat to our planet and humanity. We recognise our role in safeguarding the environment and minimising potential environmental impacts. We achieve this by integrating mitigation measures into all stages of our operations, this includes avoiding, minimising, rehabilitating and offsetting impacts across all of our activities. 

Protecting water resources

Water is a critical resource and its effective management is fundamental to the sustainability of our operations and the ecosystems and communities in which we operate. We are committed to the effective stewardship of water resources and practising responsible water management throughout our areas of operation and for the entire life span of our current and future projects. 

Environmental publications

We are committed to sharing our environmental information publicly under relevant environmental legislation.
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