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Fortescue’s Billion Opportunities program awards record A$350 million contract

7 July 2021

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) has awarded the single largest contract under the Company’s successful Aboriginal procurement program Billion Opportunities to a majority owned Aboriginal business in Western Australia.

Following a competitive tender process, Warrikal Pty Ltd has been awarded a five-year A$350 million contract as one of the providers of maintenance and shutdown services across Fortescue’s Pilbara operations.

Founded by Koori businesswoman Amanda Healy and her business partners Roy Messer and David Flett, Warrikal was established in 2017 to provide innovative engineering solutions across the mining, marine and resource sectors. The Company has been providing mechanical maintenance, shutdown and project services across Fortescue’s sites over the past three years.

Fortescue Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Gaines said, “Fortescue is committed to supporting sustainable long-term opportunities for Aboriginal businesses. Procurement is one of the most powerful levers for social and economic change, and from experience we know that a strong Aboriginal business sector is best placed to create employment and development opportunities for their communities.

“I am pleased to announce this significant contract with Warrikal, the largest to be awarded by Fortescue and also among the biggest contracts to be awarded in Australia to a majority owned Aboriginal business,” Ms Gaines said.

Warrikal Chief Executive Officer Amanda Healy said the contract built on the Company’s longstanding relationship with Fortescue.

“We look forward to further developing our relationship over coming years, continuing to grow our operational footprint in the North West of Western Australia and strengthening our long-term commitment to the region and the communities in which we operate.

“The award of this contract and the continual business growth is a testament to our amazing personnel and our reputation for delivering ‘Innovative Engineering Solutions’ across multiple disciplines, whilst maintaining a high standard of safety and quality as a true reflection of each and every Warrikal team member,” Ms Healy said.


Fortescue’s Billion Opportunities program was established in 2011 as part of the Company’s commitment to deliver business development opportunities for Aboriginal people with a strong focus on Traditional Custodian involvement.

Since its inception, the program has awarded over A$3 billion in contracts to Aboriginal businesses and joint ventures.

In May 2021, Fortescue announced Fortescue Future Industries would commit to a target of awarding A$1 billion in contracts to Aboriginal businesses and joint ventures on green energy projects by 2030.