Fortescue acknowledges that the effective management of the
storage of tailings includes rigorous design practices, comprehensive
monitoring and management programs, independent auditing and a strict corporate
governance regime.
To this extent, Fortescue utilises internal expertise
together with external design consultants to ensure that our Tailings Storage
Facilities (TSFs) are designed to the highest standard to minimise any
environmental and community impacts and to maximise operational efficiency.
Our Tailings Storage Facilities Register includes detailed information on each TSF.
Fortescue carries out all tailings management activities
including design, construction and monitoring in accordance with the requirements
of risk-based TSF management set out in the Western Australian Government’s
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) tailings guidelines
and the Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) guidelines.
The risk-based process ensures risks are identified and
reviewed, and that implementation and control effectiveness are monitored and
audited. This process also assists in mitigating the impacts of failure through
targeted response plans.
Fortescue supports the improvements recommended by the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) and we are actively progressing an implementation strategy. In accordance with GISTM requirements, accountable executives have been assigned to all sites and our Tailings Management Framework is being revised to ensure alignment with this new global standard.