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A family affair at Fortescue's Roebourne Working Bee

21 August 2019

Over 100 Fortescue Metals Group team and family members have once again rolled up their sleeves alongside community members, as part of the Roebourne Working Bee.


Over 100 Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) team and family members have once again rolled up their sleeves alongside community members, as part of the Roebourne Working Bee.

Now in its eighth year, the event brings together Fortescue employees and their families with volunteers from Roebourne, Karratha and Port Hedland to help revitalise the Roebourne District High School’s grounds with painting, landscape repairs and maintenance.

Group Manager Fortescue People Linda O’Farrell, who volunteered at the event with her two sons, praised the efforts of Workforce and Aboriginal Development Manager Damien Ardagh who has been the driving force behind the annual event.

“At the heart of Fortescue’s culture is a focus on family and I am so pleased my sons were able to join Fortescue team members and community members at this wonderful event that is bringing about positive change for the local community,” Ms O’Farrell said.

Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Gaines said the event was a demonstration of Fortescue’s long-term commitment to communities in the Pilbara through a focus on practical initiatives. 

“From the outset, it was Fortescue’s vision to ensure communities benefit from the growth and development of our business,” Ms Gaines said.

“The Roebourne Working Bee is a highlight of our year and a fantastic example of our partnership with the local community to create a positive learning environment for children and staff at the school.

“This would not be possible without the continued support of a number of local businesses and organisations whose generous donations year after year are helping to make a difference.”

Local businesses involved in the annual Working Bee include Blackwoods, Coates Hire Karratha, Diverse Group Australia, Hanson Construction Materials, Hertz Karratha, Home Hardware, Linfox, North West Sand and Gravel, Northwest Tree Services and Clean Away Karratha, in addition to the Mingullatharndo Community, the Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation and Wirlu-murra Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation.

190821 Roebourne Working Bee (Website)