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Family values support Fortescue’s CEO for a Day

24 April 2018

Fortescue Metals Group’s latest CEO for a Day, Carmen Farmer, believes it is Fortescue’s family values that have allowed her to pursue her career and have the confidence to become a leader.

Fortescue Metals Group’s (Fortescue) latest CEO for a Day, Carmen Farmer, believes it is Fortescue’s family values that have allowed her to pursue her career and have the confidence to become a leader. 

Fortescue Chief Executive Officer, Ms Elizabeth Gaines, spent the day with Carmen during the launch of the Company’s March 2018 Quarter Production report.
Carmen, a Material Logistics Officer in Fortescue’s Cloudbreak Mobile Maintenance team, said it was an honour and privilege to be chosen as CEO for a Day.

“With the support of Fortescue, I have been working on my personal development and career plan and spending time with Elizabeth and the Core Leadership Team is a great opportunity to learn key leadership skills,” Carmen said. 

In 2016, Carmen received Fortescue’s Northern Spirits Award for ‘Encouraging female employees to thrive’ in recognition of her commitment to work while balancing the responsibilities of a single working parent. 

“Being a single parent definitely has its challenges but it has also encouraged me to stay driven and be a positive role model to my children, family and community. I would not be successful in both family and work without my support network and the Fortescue family,” Carmen said. 

Ms Gaines said Carmen has already showed great ambition with her participation in Fortescue’s Leadership and Excellence in Aboriginal People (LEAP) program.

“As part of Fortescue’s commitment to diversity, we are focussed on leadership development, retention of female talent and ensuring that women are encouraged to progress to the C-Suite. It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to spend time with Carmen as CEO for a Day and another way to support aspiring female leaders,” Ms Gaines said.  

“We are committed to implementing practical measures that really make a difference to women at work, such as flexible working arrangements and 24 hour on-site child care and it is great to see women like Carmen growing their careers through our inclusive culture,” Ms Gaines said. 

Inspired by GenerationOne’s CEO for a Day competition, Fortescue’s CEO for a Day program sees Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Gaines host an aspiring leader at each quarterly results release. 

Participants are given the opportunity to work closely with Ms Gaines and the executive team to experience how the business operates at the highest level.