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Fortescue recognised for its practical approach to diversity

28 August 2017

Fortescue Metals Group has been recognised as the winner of the Australian Women in Resources Alliance award at the 2017 AMMA National Conference held in Perth.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) has been recognised as the winner of the Australian Women in Resources Alliance (AWRA) award at the 2017 AMMA National Conference held in Perth. The award recognises organisations that develop innovative strategies to improve women’s participation in the mining industry. 

Fortescue has a proud history of championing Aboriginal participation in its business, with 15.8 per cent of the workforce Aboriginal. Since the beginning of Fortescue’s Aboriginal engagement journey, the company has adopted a different approach through the provision of opportunities for jobs, training and business development. 

“As we turn our focus to gender diversity, we were determined to implement workable measures to make a real change,” Mr Power said. 

“We are committed to implementing initiatives like the Fortescue Family Room, flexible job share arrangements and career development programs to specifically address challenges faced by women juggling career and family responsibilities.”

“By ensuring Fortescue is a welcoming, supportive and encouraging environment for women, we are creating an organisation that is truly representative of our community, as well as a business that benefits from a diversity of ideas, backgrounds, skills, experience and personalities,” Mr Power said. 

“I would like to thank the entire Fortescue team. With their determination and innovation we are building an engaging, supportive and diverse workplace,” Mr Power said. 


Diversity highlights for FY17:

  • Overall female employment reached 17.3 per cent 
  • 23.6 per cent of management positions are now held by women, up from 20 per cent in 2016 
  • Close to 25 per cent of participants in the Trade Up program are female 
  • The Fortescue Family Room opened in the Fortescue Centre in Perth as a short-term crèche service 
  • The number of males accessing primary carer’s paid parental leave increased as did the number of females, with 94 per cent of female employees returning from parental leave 
  • 248 Fortescue employees, including site based team members, benefitted from tailored job share and flexible working arrangements. 
  • In November 2016 Fortescue was the first ASX 20 Company to have five women on its Board of Directors. Today, more than 50 per cent of Board members are female