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Alert: Jobseekers targeted by online scam

27 June 2016

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) is warning people that a Fortescue branded online scam targeted at jobseekers has been identified.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) is warning people that a Fortescue branded online scam targeted at jobseekers has been identified. 

The scam includes a counterfeit website and targeted emails to individuals with job offers from a fraudulent email 

Fortescue advises that all current job opportunities will be advertised on our website or via Seek and encourages candidates to refer to these websites only when searching for a role. 

If you receive one of these emails you are advised to report it to the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) and delete it from your system without clicking on any links or opening any attachments. 

Fortescue has reported the scam to Scamwatch, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), and the Australian Federal Police. 
For more information relating to online scams contact Scamwatch on 1300 795 995 or visit