Over 650 employees' family members from Perth, Port Hedland and Karratha visited Fortescue Metal Group’s (Fortescue) Pilbara mine sites at Cloudbreak, Christmas Creek and Solomon to celebrate Christmas.
Guests were treated to a Christmas feast, a tour of the mining operations and, of course, a visit from Santa.
“Family is one of Fortescue's core values so it's great that the extended Fortescue family had the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones who were working over the Christmas period,” Fortescue Chief Executive Officer, Nev Power, said.
General Manager of Fortescue’s Christmas Creek mine, Tony Swiericzuk and his team hosted 231 family members on Christmas Day.
“More than 110 of our valued Christmas Creek employees had family join them for the festivities which included a site tour and a special Christmas dinner. The overnight stay was an opportunity for our guests to enjoy the village lifestyle at Christmas Creek and it was obvious everyone enjoyed themselves,” Mr Swiericzuk said.
Fortescue’s Solomon Hub welcomed 168 family members including an employees’ wife and son, visiting Australia for the very first time from Serbia. At Cloudbreak mine site, a Fortescue employee flew to site specifically to entertain the 170 guests as Santa.
The Christmas family visits are a highlight of Fortescue’s ongoing Family Days program which has seen over 1,000 family and friends visit Fortescue sites in 2016.