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Fortescue and the Port Hedland community collaborate to keep Mingle Mob on the streets

19 January 2017

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) is proud to support the Youth Involvement Council (YIC) program, Mingle Mob, in South Hedland.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) is proud to support the Youth Involvement Council (YIC) program, Mingle Mob, in South Hedland. 

An outreach program aimed at reducing antisocial and criminal behaviour, Mingle Mob run a bus that picks up at risk youth off the streets and takes them to a safe shelter.

Through finance provided by the Town of Port Hedland and $20,000 in emergency support from Fortescue, the Mingle Mob bus service has recently resumed after some uncertainty as a
result of insufficient funding.

To ensure the sustainability of this crucial program, Fortescue facilitated discussions between YIC and other community organisations including Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation for
continued finding and support for Mingle Mob.

Fortescue’s Port and Rail General Manager, Fernando Pereira said, “Everyone at Fortescue is committed to helping make Port Hedland a safe, vibrant and sustainable community.”

“The broad community support for YIC and Mingle Mob is a shining example of Port Hedland’s community spirit. We are incredibly proud to support YIC and Mingle Mob, a terrific community service that provides an invaluable network of support for the youth of Port Hedland,” Mr Pereira said.

Kristal-Kareen Wyllie, Manager Youth Development at YIC said, “The Mingle Mob Outreach Program has proven to be an invaluable service for the youth of South Hedland by giving them transport home to a safe place and assisting with one-on-one case management support.”