Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) was delighted to open its doors to family members and local Port Hedland residents on Saturday, 22 October as part of Fortescue’s annual Community Tour.
Hosted by Fortescue’s Port General Manager, Fernando Pereira, and Rail General Manager Ron Dagostino, 200 family and friends from Port Hedland and Perth attended the event which included a tour of Fortescue’s Port and Rail operations, as well as lunch at the company’s Hamilton Village.
“The Community Tour is always a highlight for everyone involved. We are incredibly proud of our town and our contribution to Port Hedland. The Tour is a great opportunity to welcome the public into our part of Port Hedland, to talk about what we do and how we operate,” Mr Pereira said.
An integral part of the Community Tour is inviting the families of Fortescue's employees to visit the operations.
"It's important that the extended Fortescue family feels welcome on site. The Tour allows family members, especially the children, to get a better understanding of what mum and dad do at work," Mr Dagostino said.
This is the fifth Community Tour hosted by Fortescue.
The Company also regularly hosts family tours to its three mine sites in the Pilbara.