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Fortescue releases Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement 2018

6 August 2018

Fortescue has released its inaugural Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement 2018 as part of the company’s commitment to protecting and promoting human rights and its zero tolerance for modern slavery in its supply chain.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) has released its inaugural Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement 2018 as part of the company’s commitment to protecting and promoting human rights and its zero tolerance for modern slavery in its supply chain.

Fortescue’s Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement 2018 aligns with the company’s support for the establishment of a Modern Slavery Act and the view that all large businesses should be required to publish annual modern slavery statements.

Fortescue’s Chief Executive Officer, Elizabeth Gaines said the development of a strong legislative framework through the Modern Slavery Act will lead to significant advances in the prevention of modern slavery in Australia.

“A strong framework will focus efforts to eradicate modern slavery, provide better protection to the victims and promote transparency on corporate actions to address slavery in supply chains. Further, publishing an annual statement will encourage large businesses to do more to address modern slavery within their own companies and their supply chains,” Ms Gaines said.

Fortescue has approximately 2,000 suppliers. The largest categories of materials and services procured include labour hire, fuel, fixed plant components and heavy mining equipment.

“We are focussed on working with our suppliers to eradicate modern slavery from our supply chain and thank them for their shared commitment to this important cause,” Ms Gaines said.


Fortescue's public commitment to eradicate modern slavery began in 2012.

In May 2017, Fortescue made a submission to the Federal Government’s Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade’s inquiry into whether Australia should adopt a modern slavery act. A copy of Fortescue’s submission can be found at the Inquiry Webpage

Fortescue’s Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement 2018 is available on its website