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Fortescue’s FY18 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

20 August 2018

Fortescue Metals Group has released its FY18 Corporate Social Responsibility report, outlining the Company’s key initiatives of setting high standards, creating positive social change and safeguarding the environment.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) has released its FY18 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, outlining the Company’s key initiatives of setting high standards, creating positive social change and safeguarding the environment. 

Highlights of the report include:

  • Safety remains Fortescue’s number one priority. The Company reported a Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) of 3.7, an increase on the previous year. 
    The Significant Incident Frequency Rate (SIFR) per million hours reduced from 4.3 in FY17 to 3.3, a 23 per cent reduction 
  • Contributions to the economy including total FY18 tax payments of A$1.2 billion
  • Continued commitment to diversity with an increase in the female employment rate to 17.4 per cent and the expanded operation of the Fortescue Family Room now available 24/7  
  • Protecting the environment through a 13.5 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity across operations since FY15 and the recycling of 86 per cent of generated waste 
  • Empowering Aboriginal communities through the Billion Opportunities Program which has awarded over A$2bn in contracts and sub-contracts with Aboriginal businesses and joint ventures since 2011
  • Creating opportunities for Aboriginal Australians by directly employing 810 Aboriginal people, representing 14.1 per cent of Fortescue’s total workforce and 16.7 per cent of employees at Pilbara operational sites. 

Chief Executive Officer, Elizabeth Gaines said, “We are committed to ensuring communities benefit from our growth and development and recognise that, in order to achieve our vision of being the safest, lowest cost, most profitable mining company, this belief must be embedded within all aspects of our business.” 

“Empowerment is at the heart of Fortescue’s approach to working with communities – as is an absolute determination to achieve practical outcomes. We are proud to work with our Native Title partners to provide training, employment and businesses development opportunities and we are committed to implementing workable measures to support women in the workplace, including job share opportunities and the Fortescue Family Room,” Ms Gaines said. 

Acknowledging the growing stakeholder interest in business action on climate change, Fortescue expanded its Climate Change disclosure to align with the recent recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), established by the G20 Financial Stability Board. 

Fortescue also released its inaugural Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement 2018, as part of the Company’s ongoing commitment to protecting and promoting human rights and its zero tolerance for modern slavery in its supply chain.

Fortescue’s CSR Report and Modern Slavery Voluntary Statement are available on its website.