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Statement from Fortescue CEO Nev Power in relation to safety

25 January 2014

The recent serious safety incidents at Fortescue are totally unacceptable to all of us. We continue to offer our support to those dealing with the pain of loss and injury, while at the same time working to review and improve all elements of our safety performance and management systems.

The recent serious safety incidents at Fortescue are totally unacceptable to all of us. We continue to offer our support to those dealing with the pain of loss and injury, while at the same time working to review and improve all elements of our safety performance and management systems.

We are continuing to work with authorities while also conducting our own internal investigations to understand the causes of these incidents so that we learn as much as we can in order to ensure they never happen again.

While our key industry benchmarked measures of TRIFR and LTI are comparable to industry wide metrics and have been improving, the tragic incidents that have occurred mean that we need to do more as an organisation to achieve the safety performance we aspire to.

An independent external whole of business review has been initiated to forensically examine the safety performance and management across every area of our operations. The review will be conducted by a leading global organisation and I fully expect and hope the review will deliver more learnings for us to implement as we strive for continual improvement in our safety performance.

The review will examine all components of safety including culture, systems, policy and reporting and will have open access to our sites, data and people. We are making every effort to ensure our systems are as effective as possible in keeping people safe and that each of the 10,000 employees and contractors working for and with Fortescue understand that the health and safety of our people is our highest priority.

I would like to make it absolutely clear that no one on a Fortescue site is ever expected to do anything that compromises safety. Our culture empowers everyone to take whatever action is required to ensure safe operation, including stopping production when necessary.